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Thursday, July 8, 2010


As promised in our Sorso Cafe blog post, we revisited this place to try out the rest of the menu.

After the big dog dinner at Stuggy's we used up our final Sorso Cafe Groupon on some gelato. Their gelato is a treat for the eye I must say. In the cooler, it's all decorated (the strawberry is covered in fresh cut strawberries, chocolate covered in Hershey's kisses, lemon in lemons, etc) and delicious looking. I ordered half chocolate, half chocolate chip (which is actually a flavor I can neither pronounce nor spell) and Dave got half coffee half caramel. To tip our total over the $10 value of the Groupon, we tacked on a fruit cup.

I loved their gelato. It was creamy, rich in flavor and even though the little cups look small to the eye, you're definitely given enough to satisfy you. The fruit cup was big, fresh and ripe. In fact, it's my lunchtime dessert today (after sampling a few pieces with breakfast this morning)

Our rating stands. 4 out of 5 noms. Way to go Sorso!

Sorso Cafe on Urbanspoon