to Charm City NOMS! For quick help deciding where you want to eat, search by genre or keyword on the right side of this webpage. You can also see what places we’ve visited on our map and suggest places for us to review in the future in our ”Where to Next” comment area. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

EPIC 80% off gift certificates!!

There’s a promo going on right now @ 80% off restaurant gift certificates.|7304|||S||5283403007\

Fill your shopping cart full of places you love or want to try then Enter Promo Code: FUN

Sale lasts until the 12th, but it is defiantly worth it if you’re looking to save some money. Every certificate has rules, so please pay attention to the restrictions. (can’t spend at bar, etc…)

We just bought 27 gift certificates today equaling almost $600 for $45!!
Just thought I’d share, if you have questions let me know.


P.S. This code also works on Dinner of the month club subscriptions for Baltimore. $24 for 12 months worth of gift certificates!