Welcome to Charm City Noms!
What is a Nom you ask?
"Noms", or also known as "Om Nom Nom Nom" is a term, based on the sound made by a person while eating something that is "oh so tasty" . This sort of ravenous eating will often result in an "om nom nom nom" noise being emitted from the eater.
Whether you are visiting Baltimore, just moved here or are a local just looking for a new place to visit; you're at the right food blog!
We are a young couple living in Baltimore, on the hunt for the best food in Baltimore. With a budget in mind, we go on missions to find the best (and cheapest!) food and report back to you, our readers.
We go beyond just reviewing the food by giving you an inside view of everything from the ambiance and service, to special food-related considerations and cost.
We always enjoy feedback and your own stories and experiences at the places we visit, so feel free to comment on any of our reviews.
If you know of a place you would like for us to visit,
post your comment here.
Photography by our guest Food & Wedding photographer,
Brooke Borton.